Ultra Brightness Flex LED Strip

This series of products is characterized by super bright design, using high light beads, ultra high number of light beads, to achieve super bright effect, this series has B2750 and B3150 two super bright series of light belt.

Types of Ultra Brightness Flex LED Strip

Panera Lighting, a professional LED lighting enterprise in China, offers Types of Ultra Brightness Flex LED Strip, including the B2750 Ultra Brightness 2750lm/m Flex LED Strip. Known as ultra bright flex strip lights, these strips provide incredibly high luminosity, making them ideal for applications where bright illumination is required.

What are the brightest strip LED lights?

The Ultra Brightness Flex LED Strip is one of the brightest lights in the world. The Brightness of the traditional light Strip is between 800 lm/ meter and 1400lm/ meter. It can’t be used for direct lighting, only for auxiliary or decorative lighting. The Ultra Brightness Flex LED Strip is between 2750 lm and 3150lm per meter, which is a perfect solution to the Brightness problem with the main illumination. Paneralux is China LED trip tape manufacturer with many years of development, for more custom products, please contact us.

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